Resolute acceptance of Death, "There is no way to describe what a warrior should do other than that he should adhere to the Way of the warrior (Bushido). I find that all men are negligent of this. There are few men who can quickly reply to the question "What is the Way of the Warrior?" This is because they do not know in their hearts. From this we can see they do not follow the Way of the Warrior. By the Way of the warrior is meant Death. The Way of the warrior is Death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between Life and Death. It means nothing more than this. It means seeing things through, being resolved. Sayings like "To die with your intentions unralized is to die uselessly", and so on, are from the weak Kyoto, Osaka Bushido. They are unresolved as to whether to keep their orininal plan when faced with the choice of Life and Death. Every man wants to live. They theorize with staying kept in mind. "The man who lives on when he failed in his intentions is a coward," is a heartless definition. That to die having failed is to die uselessly is a mad point of view. This is not a shameful thing. It is the most important thing in the Way of the Warrior. If you keep your spirit correct from morning to night, accustomed to the idea of death and resolved on death, and consider yourself as a Dead body thus becoming one with the Way of the Warrior, you can pass through life with no possibility of failure and perform your life properly." |
-ok check it-
-a lot more then a man-
-not much less then a god-
-i am a student of the martial arts-
-something that i take very seriously-
-i am a college student-
-something i take...well, not as seriously-
-you don't want to know what i do for a living-
-i spend time at the ocean-
-but i spend a hell of a lot more time at the bar-
-that's me in a nut shell-
-my own happy little hell-
Just Some of My Favorite Movies
Of All Time* Fight Club
-I can't talk about it.* Fearless
-Not for everyone.* A Few Good Men
-Hardcore* Ghostbusters
-My personal favorite comedy of all time.* The Crow
-The greatest comic book movie ever made.* Pulp Fiction
-This should need no explanation* Dead Man
-This one's all me, baby.* Conan The Barbarian
-Pure testosterone at its best.* Braveheart
-A great story of a war for freedom.* The Matrix
-This shit's even better than Star Wars.* True Romance
-My kind of love story.* Tombstone
-One of my favorite westerns.* Falling Down
-Aren't we all?* Evil Dead 2
-Fucking Insane!* Reservoir Dogs
- Mr. Pink did not get shot, nor did he get away. Trust me
* Legends of the Fall
-This is not a chick flick, so fuck off.* Point Break
-I completely understand if you guys don't like it, but...* Tracey, I Love you.
-It's an inside joke, you wouldn't understand.* High Plains Drifter
-Clint Eastwood at his best.* Highlander
-I love the movie, but the series was better.* Shawshank Redemtion
-A depressing way to give you hope.* Clerks
-Just plain fucking funny. Kevin Smith's got it going on.* Groundhog's Day
-Bill Murray's just one funny motherfucker.* Seven
-Enlightening.* Natural Born Killers.
-If you're obsessed with this movie you missed the whole point.
Favorite Bands
* pink floyd
* pearl jam
* U2
* counting crows
* nick cave and the bad seeds
* bran van 3000
* beatles
* tool
* jimmy buffet
* beastie boys
* sheryl crow
* nine inch nails
* greatful dead
* sound tracks (i love sound tracks, i got a shit load of them)
My Top Ten List Of Things I Have To Do Before I Die
1. Become A 'neidon'
2. Get into A huge bar fight
3. Live in Okinawa for six months to A year
4. Fuck A woman of stardom
5. Kill A pimp
6. Sky dive into the ocean
7. Go on a two week drinking binge
8. Hang glide over the grand canyon
9. Go on A pilgrimage with my closest friends to select places in Europe
10. Set myself on Fire
Things I Love To Say
1. "But first, The Whores!"
2. "It takes dynamite to get me Off, too much of everything is just enough"
3. "Better you then me"
4. "Maybe you should drink a little"
5. "You Fucking people"
6. "Hell son I like you, you can come over and fuck my sister."
7. "Hell is paved with good intention"
8. "It was a little funny"
9. "Do me a favor, and go Fuck Yourself."
10. "What is this? WHAT the FUCK is THIS!!!"
Things I Love To Do Every Day I Think I'm Alive
1. Write, anything, anything at all.
2. Train, I love to work out and bring myself to new physical levels.
3. Finding new and exciting ways to fuck up
4. Drink myself to death
5. Drive way too fast
6. Test people's limits
7. Find the True beauty in this world
8. Learn the hard way
9. Show my discontent for this world
10. Let my music take me far away from this Gawd forsaken place
The Revenge Of Vertigo
Rules For The Survival
Armageddon1. Never put off till tomorrow, what you could really fuck up today
2. Punctuality is as useless as grammar
3. Repetition sets tone
4. When in danger: "Duck and Cover"
5. Always let down as many people as possible
6. Try to remember: Reality is always there, even if you're not
7. Beer before Liquor, No Fear!
8. Only Fight, if your really bored
9. It matters not who said what, who did what, or who did who......
10. Remember: Always replace whatever you puke
Favorite Web Sites
Intro Page
House of Lost Souls: the Dark Muse
LeatherWorks "House of Anoria"
Theatre des Vampires
The Dr. Carl Sagan Honorary Site
Enter The Dream Of Post-Modern Psychedelia
"Dead mAn is not ok" I spend my days in drunken state of sinful bliss, protecting those I fornicate with. I thought to fight you needed a cause, until i moved to Miami and found out I was wrong. So tonight I am going to set this world on fire, because I am hungry for a change. And I am going to dance around the pretty flames, singing a sad love song. And when the time is now I am going to jump inside the fire. Only then, burning and screaming I will come crawling back to you, but I know you wont be there. And I'm going to laugh like hell when I ring that fucking bell, maybe then I will learn your name. So please some one take me to my saviour, because right now he is getting raped inside his manger, by some sick fuck not a stranger. Why do you ask such stupid questions white man. What? are you trying to ruin my plans. Sex with your mother was not a complete waste of time though. Until she whipped me too hard, couldn't have been more out of line. Who the hell is laughing now, just another pretty face in the crowd, or is it the man behind the man, you know the one with his hand in his pants. I just hope he isn't happy to see me. That fucker is going to bleed. Oh i cant wait to see. Hey remember the story I told of a Dead mAn and his sin, remembering places he had never been. What a bad idea it was to bring this whole thing up, maybe I should shut the fuck up. I am done with all this shit and I'm done with you. A gun in my mouth what else is there to do. You and your God can blow me too. Oh you poor thing did, I just blasphemy, well Holy fucking shit I am so fucking sorry. You and your mom make me sick with your readers digest version of what I should do with my dick. Turn the channel quick I think I just missed my favorite skin flick. Oh what to do What to Do. I know I will go hungry, get drunk and HOWL at the moon. Or I'll throw rocks at some glass house maybe mine too. Hey did you hear the news, Jesus wasn't a fucking a jew. Isn't that fucken great. Ok I got no time to procrastinate, guess I gotta jump. The world really is flat you know, it was all a dirty trick. That Christopher Columbus guy and the Discovery channel are in it with the aliens! Thats right man I know what time it is. They think they got it all figured out, but the Great spirit and I got a plan, Satan said it's a good one too. By the way I got a dream to sell you son of a bitch. I will tell you all about it once I finish with my ditch. I had a vision once, but I cant remember it any more. It was beaten out of me by my asshole brother and all of life's little friends. Not to worry though I got another cheap thrill, All these bottles of Jack will make my heart beat still. Passion was once a friend of mine, until I cheated on life with this sexy whore who looked a lot like me. Now I am dying and there is no cure for this fucking Red disease. Ok well I think I have made my point, gun in my hand I got a lot of hurt.